Transient Occupancy Tax in Truckee

In this article we delve into the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) in Truckee, California (see Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) | Town of Truckee). Whether you're a property owner renting out your space or a visitor planning a stay in Truckee, understanding the TOT is essential for compliance with local laws and regulations.

What is Transient Occupancy Tax?

The Transient Occupancy Tax, commonly known as TOT, is a tax imposed on guests who rent accommodations in a hotel, motel, inn, vacation home, or similar establishment for a period of 30 consecutive days or less. This tax is collected by the property owner at the time of rental and then remitted to the Town of Truckee. The current rate is 12%, which coupled with the Truckee Tourism Improvement Assessment of 1.25%, totals 13.25%.

Why is TOT Important?

TOT serves as a vital revenue source for the town, contributing to the funding of essential public services such as road maintenance, snow removal, and emergency services. It also supports community projects and tourism marketing, enhancing Truckee's appeal as a tourist destination.

Who is Required to Pay TOT?

If you're staying in a short-term rental in Truckee for less than 31 continuous nights, you are required to pay TOT. This tax is typically included in the price quoted by hotels or vacation rental properties. For property owners, if you rent out your property for short-term stays, you are responsible for collecting TOT from your guests and remitting it to the Town of Truckee.

How to Comply with TOT Regulations

For property owners, compliance involves several key steps:

  • Registration: You must register your rental property with the Town of Truckee to obtain a Transient Occupancy Registration Certificate. Note, there is a 1,255 cap on the number of certificates available.

  • Collection: Collect the TOT from your guests at the time of their stay. The current TOT rate in Truckee can be found on the town's official website, as it may change over time.

  • Remittance: Remit the collected taxes to the town by the due date. This typically involves submitting a tax return and the collected taxes to the Town of Truckee, either monthly or quarterly. Please note, that platforms like Airbnb and VRBO do not collect and remit these taxes on your behalf.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

Failure to comply with TOT regulations can result in penalties, including fines and interest on unpaid taxes. It's crucial for property owners to adhere to these regulations to avoid legal issues and contribute to the community's wellbeing.


The Transient Occupancy Tax is an integral part of Truckee's local economy, helping to fund services and amenities that benefit residents and visitors alike. By understanding and complying with TOT regulations, property owners can contribute to the town's success while ensuring a pleasant and lawful experience for their guests.

If you have further questions about TOT or need legal assistance with compliance, consider reaching out to us for guidance and support. Our team is well-versed in local laws and can help you navigate the complexities of TOT in Truckee.


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